Dluxe's World

Tuesday, April 1

Enter the April

Well, March came in like a something and went out like a something. So I suppose that means we're in April...

For me, March '08 wasn't nearly as productive on a reading front as I had hoped. I planned to read some Sibbes, but was bummed to discover that not much of his stuff has made it out on the web. A sermon here and a sermon there. That said, what a preacher! Sibbes just seems to be incredibly adept at encouraging the saints by shining light on the evidences of God's grace in our lives.

Obviously, this consolation is the whole bent of Bruised Reed, but it's always interesting to see how different pastors have particular themes that God weaves into them.

The other major read I got through in March was Tripp's Age of Opportunity. What a fantastic little book... I keep wondering when I will come across a CCEF book that won't represent a home run. Haven't found it yet. So, if you're a parent of a teen or a pastor with responsibility for ministering to teens or their parents, I would urge you to pick up a copy and feast.

Well, onto April. I'm picking up the month by (re)reading John Stott's Cross of Christ. I raced through it when I was going through my reading regiment over a year ago... But, I really didn't savor it at that time and I honestly think I need to spend some time 'abiding hard at the Cross' for my own soul.



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