Dluxe's World

Friday, June 8

Always buy... Right away.

If I have one regret from attending Sovereign Grace's Leadership Conference in April, it is this:

While walking around the first day, I noted to Tim and MLF that the bookstore had copies of Pierced for Our Trangressions (PFOT). This new book out of the UK was already being hailed as a fabulous defense of Christ's substitutionary atonement and being blasted by the other side. When I first read about it, the book was only available in the UK. However, Crossway had announced that they would be publishing the book in the states.

At LC, I kinda assumed that the book was now available on our side of the pond so I decided to wait to order it. Of course, CJ announces the next night that the copies in the bookstore were shipped in from 'across the pond' and the US edition wouldn't be out 'til fall. Needless to say, the bookstore was sold out before I could get there.

Lesson: If it's a book you want and you see it, always buy it right away. Grrrr.

Anyway, the PFOT is starting to generate some major buzz on the internet. Adrian Warnock has posted an interview with the authors which seems to have stirred up a bit of a storm in the comments. Adrian responds with deadly accuracy to the rumblings in a subsequent post.

On our side of the Atlantic, Sam Storms has posted a two-part review that goes into much more depth on the author's argument. Both parts (Part 1 and Part 2) are great reading for anyone wondering what the controversy is all about.

CJ, in promoting the book at LC, referred to PFOT as "our generations Cross of Christ". With that extreme compliment, the rest of us should be itching for November to get here. Buy early, buy often... They make great gifts.

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  • OK, do what we have to do often over here in the UK! Get on the net and order a copy with your credit card from any online UK store. It will sure get there before the fall.

    By Blogger Adrian Warnock, at 7:04 PM, June 08, 2007  

  • Adrian,

    Good to see you again!

    Get on the net and order a copy with your credit card from any online UK store.

    Yes, yes... I've considered that, but never pulled the trigger. Perhaps now is the time, though.

    By Blogger HeavyDluxe, at 9:02 AM, June 09, 2007  

  • JUST DO IT! You wont regret it!

    By Blogger Adrian Warnock, at 4:46 AM, June 12, 2007  

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