Dluxe's World

Thursday, October 26

Whitefield for the Weekend [2]

Felt great satisfaction in being in the house of Mr. [Jonathan] Edwards. A sweeter couple I have not yet seen. Their children wee not dressed in silks and satins, but plain, as become the children of those who, in all things, ought to be examples of Christian simplicity.

Mrs. Edwards is adorned with a meek and quiet spirit; she talked solidly of the things of God, and seemed to be such a helpmeet for her husband, that she caused me to renew those prayers, which, for some months, I have put up to God, that He would be pleased to send me a daughter of Abraham to be my wife. Lord, I desire to have no choice of my own. Thou knowest my circumstances; Thou knowest I only desire to marry in and for Thee. Thou didst choose a Rebecca for Isaac, choose one to be a helpmeet for me, in carrying on that great work which is committed to my charge.

Preached this morning, and good Mr. Edwards wept during the whole time of exercise. The people were equally affected; and, in the afternoon, the power increased yet more. Our Lord seemed to keep the good wine will the last. I have not seen four such gracious meetings together since my arrival.

Oh, that my soul may be refreshed with the joyful news, that Northampton people have recovered their first love' that the Lord has revived His work in their souls, and caused them to do their first works!
Journal entry for October 19th, 1740



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