Dluxe's World

Thursday, November 16

After the Parade...

Well, it appears that the TeamPyro wave has crested and departed. Looking at the logs for today, it's really just 'us home folks'. If there are any people who've decided to tune in for a while longer, a hearty welcome to you.

I'd really like to chew on the 'post-everything' evangelism question a little more. It has really been keeping me up at night... Not in a bad way, of course - I simply find myself thinking about it whenever I get a moment with a clear head. So, there will probably be a 3rd post in that series later this weekend. I hope that you regulars will have some feedback... And maybe Phil or Frank will grace us with their thoughts again as well.

In the meantime, I've got another George Whitefield post waiting in the wings for tomorrow... Life slowly returns to normal!


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