Dluxe's World

Monday, August 7

Improving on WWWednesday

Last week, the weather up here was torturous. Looking at weather map, there was only a 5 degree temperature differential between here (Vermont) and Georgia. That's just not cool - um, literally.

This week is much more pleasant. The sky is clear and blue with a temperature hovering around a refreshing 74 degrees. What a great day for a WWWednesday post!

1) Found a link to this video over on Challies blog. It made me giggle. Some of the comments were a little over the top, so I'll embed it here.

2) Speaking of mega-blogger Tim Challies: Tim will be liveblogging the WorshipGod06 Conference at Covenant Life Church this starting tonight! As someone who has been richly blessed by Tim's efforts in the past, I can tell you that it's almost as good as being there. Thanks to Tim for honoring God and serving us!

3) Purgatorio always has some amusing stuff, but I think that this thread could develop into a real whopper. In fact, the Billy Graham pic is just too good not to throw in for good measure.

4) Speaking of Billy Graham, did anyone read his interview in Newsweek? There are many who are, as Brendt noted in a comment, seemingly eager to throw Dr. Graham under the bus now that he is becoming 'wishy washy'. While I don't want to join those ranks, I do think Graham's comments (particularly some of the exchanges between the elder Graham and his son, Franklin) have been interesting. Thoughts, anyone?

5) A couple interesting hits came in this week... Along with many not-so-interesting ones.
  • I logged my first hit for someone looking for a "dead body". Thankfully, I hid it well.
  • Someone in Indonesia was interested in the "gretest speech of the world". I am embarrassed to admit that I am something of an authority on the matter - thanks to my own poor typing and grammar.
6) Lastly, take time today to say thanks to a US soldier stationed overseas. I'd wager they don't hear our appreciation expressed nearly often enough. Xerox's LetsSayThanks.com makes it free and easy, but consider stopping the next person you see in uniform and tell them thanks in person!



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