Dluxe's World

Monday, January 23

The reality behind the film...

With all this talk about the 'End of the Spear' movie, I thought it was fitting that I got an email from a missionary family we know. Other issues aside, I hope that believers do use the hullabaloo around this movie to reflect on the sacrifices missionaries make for the Gospel and commit to supporting them with our prayers/finances.

It's hard to really imagine... Even in today's world, there are places where the Gospel isn't known. There are places where missionaries still can find themselves, literally, at the end of a spear for their faith. They have left friends and family to go, reaching people for Christ. Meanwhile, I sit in a warm, wired office and figure out how many hours it's going to take us (assuming the effort of 3 people) to build a new widget.

Though we're all called to different roles, I hope that we think of these people serving around the world regularly. They are helping to build the choir that will worship in Heaven one day - a high calling indeed... Whether it's in the US, Europe, Africa, or anywhere else, their obedience to God's call should drive us to pray for the harvest and energize our own outreach to those around us.

And if that message has greater resonance as a result of this movie, I think that's a mark of success...


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