Dluxe's World

Saturday, April 26

Favorite Posts [5] : Thinking Caps at the Ready

At the 2006 Desiring God conference, Tim Keller gave a typically awesome "Keller-style" message. In the course of his speech, he asked a very provocative question. What will an approach to postmodern evangelism look like? If, as Keller contended, the "Four Spiritual Laws" and "Evangelism Explosion" programs of the past have lost their traction, how will we develop evangelism methods that marry Biblical and Systematic theology?

I started a short series of posts to must on that question, and the initial was picked up by the guys at TeamPyro in one of their blogspotting rolls. As a result there was a lot of traffic for a couple days, though not the ton of commentary that I'd hoped for.

The funny (and awesome!) thing is that Tim Keller just decided to answer his own question. His book, Reason for God, and the follow-up speeches he has been holding at colleges and hip place like Google really seem to be his way of developing and refining an approach. I'd recommend giving them a look.

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